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Hello my name is Homo erectus!

...But you can call me The Upright Man

My Discovery

In 1891 surgeon Eugene Dubois discovered the first remains of Homo Erectus named the Java Man. Probably the most famous skeleton of Homo Erectus is the Turkana Boy discovered in 1984 by Kamoya Kimeu. The Turkana Boy is a near complete skeleton (the hands and feet were missing) and he was estimated to have died at around 9 years old. The way the bodies of Homo Erectus were shaped show that Homo Erectus lived on the ground, and were able to walk and run for pretty long distances. Homo Erectus were also known for their control of fire and there is evidence that they took care of old and weak individuals. 

My Body 

Features that set Homo Erectus apart are its low sloping forehead, broad flat nose, and somewhat large teeth. (larger than ours today) From the neck down Homo Erectus looks very similar to how Humans look today, They had very long legs and proportionate arms, which are consistent with them being bipedal. They also have a modern pelvis which suggests they had a very good diet. 

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where Was I Found?

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The tools used by Homo Erectus were Achulean Hand Axes. The Achulean hand axes are distinct in their shape, they are a teardrop shaped hand axe. The hand axes show up in the fossil record 1.6 million years ago. 

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Lived: 1.8 Million-600,000 years ago (maybe even 300,000 years ago)

Size: Females stood roughly 4 feet 9 inches and weighed around 88 pounds (40Kg) Males stood roughly 6 feet 1 inch and weighed around 150 pounds (68Kg)

Distributed: Fossils were found in Northern, Eastern, and Southern Africa Western, and East Asia

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